“What Happened to Orson Welles ?: A Portrait of an Independent Career”
We’re giving away four books this month!
CMH is excited to announce our first classic movie book giveaway in 2022 as part of our partnership with University Press of Kentucky! This time we’re giving away FOUR COPIES from “What happened to Orson Welles ?: A portrait of an independent career“By Joseph McBride.
To qualify for winning this book in this competition, you must complete the entry task below by. to lock Saturday, January 29, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. EST. The winners will be determined by random drawing.
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We announce our four lucky winners on Twitter @ClassicMovieHub on Sunday, January 30th, around 9:00 p.m. EST. And please note that you don’t need to have a Twitter account to participate; see below for the details.
In summary, there will be FOUR WINNERS, selected at random and all announced on January 30th.
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And now to the competition!
PARTICIPATION TASK (2-part) by Saturday, January 29, 2022, 6:00 p.m. EST
1) Answer the following question using the comments section at the bottom of this blog post
2) then TWEET (not DM) the following message *:
Just entered to win the “What Ever Happened to Orson Welles ?: A Portrait of an Independent Career” #BookGiveaway courtesy of @KentuckyPress & @ClassicMovieHub – #EnterToWin here http://www.classicmoviehub.com/blog / what-ever- happens-to-orson-welles-book-giveaway-jan /
What is your favorite Orson Welles movie and why? And if you don’t know what his work is, why would you want to win this book?
* If you don’t have a Twitter account, You can still enter the competition by simply answering the above question via the comment section at the bottom of this blog but cannot tweet the message.
NOTICE: If for any reason you have a problem commenting here on this blog, feel free to tweet us or send a DM or email to clas…@gmail.com and we will be happy to post it for you.
ALSO: Please give us 48 hours to approve your comments. Sorry, we’re getting spammed and going through hundreds of comments …
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Don’t forget to check out our chats on our Screen Classics discussion series with University Press of Kentucky and @CitizenScreen. You can catch them on Facebook and YouTube:
Jayne Mansfield: The girl couldn’t help it – with author Eve Golden
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Vitagraph: America’s first great film studio – with author Andrew Erish:
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Jane Russell and the Marketing of a Hollywood Legend – with author Christina Rice:
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Growing up in Hollywood with Victoria Riskin and William Wellman Jr .:
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About the book: In this intimate and often surprising personal portrait, Joseph McBride questions the conventional wisdom that followed Welles’ career citizensWidely considered the greatest movie of all time, Kane fell into a long decline. Instead, the author shows how Welles never stopped directing radical, adventurous films and, as a filmmaker, kept breaking new artistic paths. McBride is the first author to undertake a comprehensive review of Welles’ films, artistically rich but widely misunderstood, later period in the United States (1970–1985), when McBride knew the director and acted with him on The Other Side of the. worked wind, Welles’ personal testimony about filmmaking. To put Welles’ later years in context, the author explores the filmmaker’s entire life and career. This newly updated edition rounds the story off with a final chapter in which it is analyzed The other side of the wind, Finally completed in 2018, and his film, rediscovered in 1938, Too much Johnson.McBride offers many new insights into the collapse of Welles’ Hollywood career in the 1940s, his subsequent political blacklist, and his long period in European exile. What happened to Orson Welles? serves as a significant reinterpretation of Welles’ life and work. McBride’s revealing portrait changes the framework of how Orson Welles is understood as a man, actor, politician, and filmmaker.
Click here for the full competition rules.
Please note that only participants from the United States (excluding the territory of Puerto Rico) and Canada are eligible.
Much luck!
And if you can’t wait to win the book, you can buy it on Amazon by clicking below:
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–Annmarie Gatti for Classic Movie Hub