The merit of saying: “Hey, thanks for everything” to somebody by cooking for them should never be underestimated. That’s how Jools and the family like to celebrate Father’s Day for Jamie – after all, he’s by no means the only Oliver who knows how to make magic in the kitchen.
In a conversation with Food Tube, Jools (and Buddy, Jamie’s youngest) had a few ideas for how they’d share the love with Jamie this Father’s Day. Beyond a quick foot massage and a little time to relax, it’s all about food – all day long.
Basic one-cuppers are always a great bet, even with a simple topping like natural yoghurt. Try some inspiration for amazing pancake toppings, or get creative like Buddy and make them in the shape of hearts.
One-cup pancakes with blueberries
Fresh fruit
Serve with yoghurt, honey, nuts… It sounds simple, but a light and lovely breakfast on a sunny day can be such a winner. If that sounds good, try a few more of our healthy breakfast ideas.
Kids can easily make smoothies, and this is a great way of getting yours involved in the kitchen for Dad. Use frozen fruits, yoghurt, milk, oats, the dregs at the bottom of juice cartons… you name it, it can go into a smoothie.

Jools’ favourite smoothies
Buddy claims to be able to make a wicked omelette, which happens to be something of a perfect comforting lunch. Go simple with a basic omelette, or get fancy with stuffings – think different cheeses, shredded veg and spices like smoked paprika.

Mexican filled omelettes
Jools says that her kids make bread really well, and baking is a fantastic way of doing a long-game recipe; one that takes some time, care, and attention. Go for any basic loaf, try lovely hot cross buns, or make some homemade crumpets – Dad won’t believe his eyes.

Hot cross buns
Jamie’s perfect supper
According to Jools there’s only one option when it comes to a weekend feast for Jamie, and that’s a really good curry. Jamie likes his to be a vegetable one – super spicy, with hot chilli and veg from the garden, a good dollop of natural yoghurt on top, and a lovely homemade naan on the side.

Incredible naan breads
Ultimately, making the effort for Dad is what matters, but going beyond simply making a nice gesture is as easy picking the perfect recipe. In our collection of Father’s Day recipes you’ll find the very best of Jamie’s dishes for you to choose from.