Blackberries have a juicy, sweet, slightly tart flavour, and grow wild throughout the UK between August and October. Grab a couple of empty tubs and go picking (pick them away from roads, and wash them before you eat them), then try our delicious blackberry recipes.
Blackberries’ flavour means they’re perfect for both sweet and savoury dishes – transform them into jam, whisk them into a bold dressing for tasty greens, swirl them through a blackberry fool, or bake them into the ultimate apple pie. If you have some left over, store them in the freezer ready to blitz into a smoothie or a Frozen berry margarita. Cheers!
Crunchy meringue, sweet berries and soft cream are piled into a pastry case for this deliciously easy dessert – think Eton Mess crossed with a berry tart. Use whatever seasonal berries you can get your hands on and you’ll have some very happy guests.

Make a quick blackberry syrup, spiked with vanilla, to swirl through whipped cream for a 10-minute sweet treat that’s really something special.

Juicy, tart blackberries work so well in a dressing, especially when combined with bold red wine vinegar and fragrant fennel seeds. Toss it through seasonal greens, such as spinach, kale or chard, for a side dish that packs a punch.

A humble cake is given a little update. Warm soft sponge is smeared with delicious sour blackberry jam, before being covered in coconut. Pure nostalgia.

Blackberries and apples are in season around the same time, between August and October, so of course they make the perfect couple! With stem ginger to add depth and blackberries to bring the sparkle, Jamie reckons this is the best apple pie in the world.

Picked a glut of berries and you don’t know what to do with them? Chuck them in the freezer! They’ll blitz up perfectly into a healthy morning smoothie. Just grab a handful whenever you need them.